viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013


 Add a Row Above an Existing Row:

  1. Place the insertion point in a row below the location where you wish to add a row.
    Placing the insertion pointPlacing the insertion point
  2. Right-click the mouse. A menu appears.
  3. Select Insert   Insert Rows Above.
    Adding a rowAdding a row
  4. A new row appears above the insertion point.
    The new rowThe new row
You can also add rows below the insertion point. Follow the same steps, but select Insert Rows Below from the menu.

To Add a Column:

  1. Place the insertion point in a column adjacent to the location you wish the new column to appear.
  2. Right-click the mouse. A menu will appear.
    Adding a columnAdding a column
  3. Select Insert   Insert Columns to the Left or Insert Columns to the Right. A new column appears.
    The new columnThe new column

To Delete a Row or Column:

  1. Select the row or column.
  2. Right-click your mouse. A menu will appear.
  3. Select Delete Cells.
    Selecting Delete CellsSelecting Delete Cells
  4. Select Delete entire row or Delete entire column and click OK.
    Deleting the columnDeleting a column

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