viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013


Inserting and Modifying Tables

Video: Working with Tables in Word 2010

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In Word, tables are useful for organizing and presenting data. You can create a blank table, convert text to a table, and apply a variety of styles and formats to existing tables.

To Insert a Blank Table:

  1. Place your insertion point in the document where you want the table to appear.
  2. Select the Insert tab.
  3. Click the Table command.
  4. Hover your mouse over the diagram squares to select the number of columns and rows in the table.
    Inserting a new tableInserting a new table
  5. Click your mouse, and the table appears in the document.
  6. You can now place the insertion point anywhere in the table to add text.

To Convert Existing Text to a Table:

  1. Select the text you wish to convert.
  2. Select the Insert tab.
  3. Click the Table command.
  4. Select Convert Text to Table from the menu. A dialog box will appear.
    Converting text to a tableConverting text to a table
  5. Choose one of the options in the Separate text at: section. This is how Word knows what text to put in each column.
    Separating text at TabsSeparating text at Tabs
  6. Click OK. The text appears in a table.
    The converted tableThe converted table

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