jueves, 22 de agosto de 2013


Your Computer's File System

Folders on the desktopFolders on the desktop
A computer uses folders to organize all of the different files and applications that it contains. A folder looks like a file, except the icon is shaped like a folder. To find a specific file, you will navigate to the correct folder using a specialized application such as Windows Explorer (for PCs - not to be confused with Internet Explorer) or Finder (for Macs).

To Open Windows Explorer (PC):

  • Click the Windows Explorer icon on the taskbar, or double-click any folder on your desktop. A Windows Explorer window will open.
    Opening Windows ExplorerOpening Windows Explorer
In Windows 8, Windows Explorer is called File Explorer.

To Open Finder (Mac):

  • Click the Finder icon on the Dock, or double-click any folder on your desktop. A Finder window will open up.
    Opening FinderOpening Finder

Basic Navigation

Whether you're using Windows Explorer or Finder, basic navigation is the same. If you see the file that you want, you can double-click it. Otherwise, you can use the Navigation pane on the left side of the window to select a different location.
Navigating Windows ExplorerNavigating Windows Explorer

Deleting Files

Windows and OS X use a Trash can (or Recycle Bin) to prevent you from accidentally deleting files. When you delete a file, it is simply moved to the Trash can. If you change your mind, you can move the file back to its original location. If you're sure you want to permanently delete the file, you will need to empty the trash.

To Delete a File on a PC:

  1. Click and drag the file onto the Recycle Bin icon on the Desktop. Alternatively, you can select the file and then press the Delete key.
    Dragging a file to the Recycle BinDragging a file to the Recycle Bin
  2. To empty the trash, right-click the Recycle Bin icon and select Empty Recycle Bin. All files in the Recycle Bin will be permanently deleted.
    Emptying the Recycle BinEmptying the Recycle Bin

To Delete a File on a Mac:

  1. Click and drag the file onto the Trash icon on the Dock. Alternatively, you can select the file and then pressCommand-Delete.
    Dragging a file to the TrashDragging a file to the Trash
  2. To empty the trash, right-click the Trash icon and select Empty Trash. All files in the Trash will be permanently deleted.
    Emptying the TrashEmptying the Trash
On some Macs, right-clicking may be disabled by default. If you're unable to right-click, you can just click and hold the Trash icon until you see the Empty Trash option.

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